South Florida Pediatric Homecare Inc
Offers Nursing Care Services | |
Offers Home Health Aide Services | |
Offers Physical Therapy Services | |
Offers Occupational Therapy Services | |
Offers Speech Pathology Services | |
Offers Medical Social Services |
n/a | HHCAHPS Survey Summary Star Rating No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Star Rating for health team gave care in a professional way No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Percent of patients who reported that their home health team communicated well with them No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Star Rating for health team communicated well with them No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Percent of patients who reported that their home health team communicated well with them No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Star Rating team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Percent of patients who reported that their home health team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety with them No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Star Rating for how patients rated overall care from agency No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Percent of patients who gave their home health agency a rating of 9 or 10 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest) No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Percent of patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend the home health agency to friends and family No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Number of completed surveys No survey results are available for this period. |
n/a | Response rate No survey results are available for this period. |
Quality Measures
n/a | How often the home health team began their patients' care in a timely manner This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often the home health team taught patients (or their family caregivers) about their drugs This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often the home health team checked patients' risk of falling This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often the home health team checked patients for depression This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often the home health team determined whether patients received a flu shot for the current flu season This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often the home health team made sure that their patients received a pneumococcal vaccine (pneumonia shot) This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | With diabetes, how often the home health team got doctor's orders, gave foot care, and taught patients about foot care This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often patients got better at walking or moving around This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often patients got better at getting in and out of bed This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often patients got better at bathing This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often patients' breathing improved This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often patients' wounds improved or healed after an operation This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often patients got better at taking their drugs correctly by mouth This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | How often home health patients had to be admitted to the hospital The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | How often patients receiving home health care needed urgent, unplanned care in the ER without being admitted The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | How often physician-recommended actions to address medication issues were completely timely This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
n/a | Changes in skin integrity post-acute care: pressure ulcer/injury This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months. |
Patient Outcome Statistics
n/a | Observed Number of Discharges to Community The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
1 | Number of Eligible Stays for DTC Measure The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | Observed Discharge to Community Rate The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | Risk-Standardized Discharge to Community Rate The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | Lower Limit of the 95% Confidence Interval on the Risk- Standardized Discharge to Community Rate The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
4 | DTC Comparative Performance Category Not Available |
n/a | Observed Number of Potentially Preventable Readmissions Following Discharge The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | Number of Eligible Stays for PPR Measure The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | Observed Potentially Preventable Readmissions Rate The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | Risk-Standardized Potentially Preventable Readmissions Rate The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | Lower Limit of the 95% Confidence Interval on the Risk- Standardized Potentially Preventable Readmissions Rate The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
n/a | Upper Limit of the 95% Confidence Interval on the Risk- Standardized Potentially Preventable Readmissions Rate The number of patient episodes for this measure is too small to report. |
4 | PPR Comparative Performance Category Not Available |
n/a | How much Medicare spends on an episode of care at this agency, compared to Medicare spending across all agencies nationally |
6 | Number of episodes of care used to calculate how much Medicare spends on an episode of care at this agency, compared to Medicare spending across all agencies nationally |